On paper (2018-2020)

Making visual art always felt daunting to me because I associated it with using learned techniques, theories, fine materials, and trying to replicate or reproduce something. In 2018, I began to make new associations, such as the enjoyment I felt while in the flow of creation. With pencil and paper, I was able to occupy my mind and my hands without technology. I started to draw to music, in private and in public, and learned to listen in new ways, to feel the sounds in my body and to dance on the page.

On Paper is a collection of works created predominantly in my own handmade sketchbooks. Many of the pieces explore an enchantment with colour and movement, while some depict abstract ideas, or feelings. Each of them is a practice in being present, while I interact with, process, and express my internal and external world. This body of work acts as an ongoing reminder to return to the here & now, and finding the flow, a balance of discipline and surrender.

This is an ongoing exploration.